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Transition to Organic Commercial Citrus Operation

Southern California, USA


To Transition to Organic and Regenerate an Ageing Valencia Citrus Orchard in Southern California.  



Cover crops were planted to increase soil organic matter.  Wildflowers and pollinator plants were sown in seed balls around the property as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan. Compost was applied to the soil and compost teas were sprayed on the trees to improve microbiological communities. Fertility management plan includes using local horse stable sweepings as mulch to create more soil tilth, reduce water use, utilize a local waste stream, and wean trees and protect waterways from ammonium based nitrogen.  This is an ongoing project, and long-term plans include removing a majority of the older trees and replanting with a less water intensive crop.


Project Lead:

Loren Luyendyk

Designing for resource abundance by creating regenerative landscapes, resilient communities, and local living economies

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