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Alternative Energy


The reliance on Fossil Fuels and Nuclear energy production has been the backbone of industrialization yet over-consumption has led to environmental degradation, negative health effects and global warming. As global population edges toward 8 billion and is projected to reach 9 billion by 2040, clean renewable energy is not a luxury, but a necessity.


The world around us offers many forms of energy such as gravity, solar radiation and wind that do not rely on fossil fuels thus greatly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our designs minimize energy use through innovative efficiency and include the most appropriate energy technologies that will meet the needs of the client with the least environmental impact and economic input.  


Appropriate placement of elements in the design reduces the need for energy usage and expensive infrastructure. For instance, simply placing gardens below water harvesting structures such as houses or outbuildings eliminates the need for irrigation pumping. PDI offers such design solutions to increase abundance while reducing energy consumption.   

Local energy generation
Solar Photovoltaic

Perhaps the most common form of alternative electricity production, Solar PV provides a clean and reliable source of power for decades. The majority of systems are tied to the grid, offsetting production from other sources and even providing a revenue stream for the client, while stand alone systems ensure electricity independence from the grid.


Solar Thermal

Harnessing solar energy to produce thermal energy is a basic holistic design consideration. This is achieved by actions such as placement and orientation of structures or integration of thermal absorbing walls. Thermal energy can heat water for domestic uses, space heating and help regulate greenhouse food systems to increase yields. 



If a site is blessed with a perennial surface water source, a micro-hydropower system can offer a constant flow of economical electricity for on demand use or battery charging. 



Active geothermal heat, hot springs, is fairly rare but all sites can benefit from passive geothermal, using the stable temperature of the earth to either heat or cool. A geothermal heat pump can greatly reduce or eliminate the need for other sources of heating if used in conjunction with solar thermal design.

Clean & renewable

Wind turbines have extracted mechanical energy from air flow for centuries, shifting more recently to electrical power production. Wind power is often used in conjunction with solar PV to provide a more reliable system under variable weather conditions.



Biogas is a mixture of gases, mostly methane, produced by the breakdown of organic materials in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be used for cooking, heating, lighting, and electrical generation while keeping these potent greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere.


Solar Cooking, Drying & Distillation

Solar energy can be used for cooking, drying, distillation and pasteurization with minimal economic expenditure. These simple appliances are scalable and reduce the need for fuel or electricity while improving air quality. 


Hydraulic Ram Pumping

Using the kinetic energy of flowing water a hydraulic ram pump can lift water to a higher elevation than the source making it available to more areas of a site for multiple uses. 

Designing for resource abundance by creating regenerative landscapes, resilient communities, and local living economies

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